Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Where is my Muse?!

I know who I am and I know my wants and needs, but I am still discovering what inspires me.

There have been various times in my life when small things have inspired me to take on various projects (the dirty wooden table and chair at a junk store was crying out for a new coat of paint and reupholstering, a book about the "millions of dollars at stake" in acting was just asking to be read aloud along-side the words of two characters in an Ellis novel, the awkward moment with a new acquaintance birthed a new superhero who's primary purpose is to rescue people from their own egos, etc.), but I've never experienced an "Ah, ha!" moment that informs and shapes my work.

The lack of inspiration is very frustrating.

I want something that will drive me. I want focus! I want something that fuels me and excites me. I want something to dream about at night. I want something that plagues me, causes insomnia and inspires late night fits of creativity. I’m so TIRED of being void of inspiration and focus. So bored.

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